Purpose: The TIME statement enables programs to use time in the calculations in an easy to read format.  TIME returns the time as a number with hours as the thousands and hundreds digits, minutes are the ones and tens digits. Seconds are stored after the decimal place in the first and second decimals.
Note: If the seconds are not specified, the time will be interpreted as hours:minutes and the seconds are assumed as zero.
              12:30 = 1230
Times are evaluated to real numbers using the following formula:
time = hour*100 + minutes  +  seconds / 100
The time of 14:30:30 is returned as a real number of value = 1430.30
EXAMPLE:   10    IF TIME = 13:00:05 THEN START PUMP1
                        20 IF+ PUMP1 THEN VAR6 = TIME
                        30 REM VAR6 CONTAINS THE TIME THAT PUMP1 STARTED