6.1.2 Edit Point

6.1.2 Edit Point
A description of each of the items appearing in a pop-up window follows.
VALUE  .  .  .  .  .  .
Value of point.
HIGH LIMIT  .  .  .  .
Floating point number, above which, an analog point will change
to the high color.
LOW LIMIT.  .  .  .  .
Floating point number, above which, an analog point will change
to the low color.
DISPLAY.  .  .  .  .  .  .
Determines how the point in question will be displayed on the graphic screen. A number of options are avail able for displaying the points info:
20 char: Displays 20 character Full label.
Value: Displays value of point only.
Icon: Displays representative Icon only.
Icon/8ch: Displays representative and 8 character Label.
Icon/20c: Displays representative and 8 character Full label.
Icon/Val: Displays representative icon and point value.
8 char: Displays 20 character Label.
AUTO/MAN     .  .  .  .    
When in auto the point is operational and will read the value as determined by the programming. When in manual the point is
not operational and will remain at a fixed value as determined by the operator. To change from auto to manual or vice versa
simply highlight the field and press ENTER.