REV 2_6 Change the default CT range to 1-100 Ampere. 11-20-2019 REV 2_5 save setting of gyro chip's registers. and make UDP scan command response not a broadcast. 9-2-2017 REV 2_4 Fixed a bug which unable to write gyro chip's 10th and 11th registers 8-15-2017 REV 2_3 Fixed a watchdog bug. 8-1-2017 REV 2_2 Slave modbus device ID could be set by modbus register 685 7-20-2017 REV 2_1 Added function to connect outdoor light sensor. 7-12-2017 REV1_7 Master / Slave serial port done, register mapping done. 7-10-2017 REV 1_6 write a character string ¡°TemcoT36CTA¡± to address 0x08008200, ISP tool use this to confirm it¡¯s a right firmware for the device. 7-5-2017 REV 1_5 Fix a RF hang problem 6-29-2017 REV 1_4 Airflow and accelerometer use different input port, rfm69 bitrate 6-29-2017 REV 1_4 add the code for the led , change the output lib. add the code to write the channel range. 6-28-2017 REV 1_3 change the ENC28J60/enc28j60.c and SPI/spi.c. do not erase the serial number ip and baudrate . 6-23-2017 REV 1_2 Fix a bug of deadmaster counter 6-20-2017 REV 1_1 Add RFM69 ack function and deadmaster. 6-16-2017 REV 1 The code is based on T3 project on STM32F103.