Rev31: smooth the led flash. back reset the range setting to temperature C. REV30: change the default setting to no use. rev29: add the reset to factory function. rev26: add the new baudrate 57600. rev25: update the filter the formula and the serial number protect. add the new range for the inputs. rev24£º make the baudrate setting value is the same as the other moudles. rev23: make it compatible with old and the new rev about the baudrate. update the filter formula data = (old *filter + new)/(filter + 1). rev22£º change the modbus baudrate default 1 = 19200 and 0= 9600. rev21: store the first 20 infomation to the page0. and fix the baudrate bug. rev20: configure the channel type when init the system. REV19: move the first 20 register to the ram the decrease the com errors. REV18: Add multiple write function. Fix the input filters TBD: Fix serial port like you did in rev 9 rev17: copy from rev16. enable register15 to set baud rate 9600 or 19200 as rev 9 did. rev16: copy from rev15. add rang 8 to show the voltage. rev15 : change the code to compatible with new isp code. REV14: Change from rev12. change one loop write 20 data to flash to 1 loop write 1 data to flash. the aviod timeout. fix the first 8 bits channel range issue. Rev13: add burst capture mode When register xxxx = 1, unit will capture x,0000 readings to ram more details later. rev12£»fix the pulse input channel setbit clearbit and get bit function. REV11 fix rev10 the firsr 100registers communication issue. add product model. REV10 change the code to fit hardware rev 12. REV9 copy from the rev8. add the modbus delay register10. defult is 1 = 3ms; 0=8ms; rev8 increase the frequence of smaple. change the smaple time 500 us into 100us .to fix the lose pulse issue. rev7 fix the modbus id issue . REV6 Fix the com led .DONE. REV5 change the code for isp. rev4 change the register to match the t3-8in13out rev3 add high speed countting rev2 add light function REV1 finish analog output digit output and analog input function