rev118: fix keypad locked issue. Rev 117 Fixed setpoint display error when running schedule rev 116 Fixed issues with Tstat7 schedule rev115 do not lock keypad rev114 fix keypand can't lock and unlock. rev8_2 fixed cycle delay and change over delay modify co2 filter, before it dose not work. modify complier level to solve rev3 relays problem(relay4 will be on when power up and relay1 to 3 can not be controled) add new register 693 to clear all eeprom except serial number and ID and set to factory default settings. rev8_1 T7: fixed fan mode when press decrese key, it not go to off mode T7: fixed cool/heat mode when switch mode the display always show heat. redefine keypad function for fan mode setpoint and sys mode left key: selec items up way right key: select items down way up and down key: adjust current selected item. rev8_0 add new humidity sensor sht3x rec 7_9 1.add ptransfer function so can read/write registers under MSTP protocol by T3000. rev7_8 tstat7 fixed canot read temperature from hum sensor bug rev7_7 1. When input range set to 4-20mA, customer table1 and customer2, send data in float mode for bacnet 2. Fixed when using priority to change analog outputs, the value in register not change bug. 3. Fixed when using customer table2, 2.5V and 3V point do not save properly issue. rev7_6 fix when deadmaster is set, after power off to on, the timer is not initialized bug. rev7_5 for tstst7: change refresh outputs task to 50ms peroid add ID check before deal with serial data to make system faster, when too many polling data on the bus, this can save time. rev7_4 fixed Tstat7 keypad no response bug. the inputs initial routine is overflow. rev7_3 modify register209 write operation, before it also store in other 5 place, now just store in one position and if current data is equal to last one, do not change it to reduce the dual with time. rev7_2 add protect function for modbus command, if last read/write command is not done, do not receive new command to avoid receive buffer been changed by wrong. add debug code to count how many times it receive change ID command and store the last commad to EEPROM modify schedule so can match for yabe and T3000 add time synchronization rev71 fixed icon control when only set one of heat or cool icon relative with output, another one will not work at normal state. add color indicator for Vicente rev7_0 modify 10V input formular, previous it can not up to 10V. rev6_9 add customer table 0-10V range REV6_8 fixed instance number for bacnet protocol, before only take low 16 bits of serial number as default value. fixed clock function for AI, and for occupancy sensor function, when singal is on, it will trigger override timer. REV6_7 add voltage check function for rs485 lins remap GPIO pins for AI rev6_6 fixed occupancy sensor function for AI, before only AI1 and AI2 can work. add priority array for AO and BO rev 6_5 add float value for temperature humidity and setpoint for bacnet rev6_4 test version. rev6_3 fix after change protocol from modbus to bacnet, the object name not initial problem. rev6_2 modify Tstat7 when it is in coast mode, stop the fan blade. rev6_1 fixed after update firmware, ID and serial number not read right problem. rev6_0 store modbus ID and serial number in flash, not in the eeprom rev5_6 2017-11-22 add icon output control function: reg783 to reg791,all 9 icons:day,night,occ,unocc,heat,cool,fanspeed1,fanspeed2,fanspeed3 reduce the send/receive icon hold time. change the sun/moon icons make them clear. modify sun/moon icon for hotel and office mode rev5_5 fixed RTC single write bug. fixed analog input function, value 2: occupancy sensor, before it dose not work. rev5_4 fixed clock time multiple write fucntion, before it is not standar modbus command modify clock year value write command, compatible with Tstat6, for example, if write 2017, just write 17 to the register, before need write 2017. rev 5_3 modify code to compatible with hardware rev3 and hardware rev4, now only one hex file. rev5_2 2017-07-20 using new bacnet librery rev10, fixed when send write command by yabe software, unit response abort message. reason: BACNET_MAX_PRIORITY must set to 16 2017-07-18 modify on/off input, only support dry contact, not support voltage on/off range rev5_1 add communication icon add bacnet schedule rev5_0 Tstat7 add baudrate select option on advanced keypad menu fixed when set to factory default, the degree value not initial well bug. rev4_9 using new bacnet lib rev8 rev4_8 tstat7 modify occ/unocc button, before it dose not work well bacnet station number can not be more than 50, bacnet library need to be fixed.temperary set it to 50 for this version. rev 4_5 add communication icon on the left up of LCD modify BACNT staion number the same as modbus ID modify schedule: ---add away mode, using 2 bytes and 2 regs to store mode flag ---add away setpoint, change setpoint librery REV4_4 add free cooling function rev4_3 fixed 2-10V output not correct issue, the offset value is for Tstat6 hardware, not suit for tstat8,change 177 to 200. rev4_2 2017-02-20 fixed customer unit write problem 2017-0214 fixed transducer mode, and relay1 is indicating occupied/unoccupied fixed internal temperature sensor register, it will show internal sensor value when set pid loop1 to other inputs. rev4_1 2017-02-07 add 50K thermistor table for Chen fixed menu part lock function and auto only function rev4_0 2017-01-19 fixed when temperature is bigger than 100C, the decimel point color is wrong. fixed manual temperature function, and dose not store the value in EEPROM if use write frequently, it may be damaged soon. use new fan icons. rev3_9 2017-01-18 adjust the display order for baudrate select fixed degree C/F icon for the top unit degree. fixed when use serial command to change the heat/cool mode, "SYS" icon dose't change err. 2017-01-17 fixed when write current degree with the same degree, it still do the converter math bug. fixed output1 function can not be read/write problem, because it has the same low byte with scan command. fix if schedule is off, when change the fan mode by serial command, icon and setpoint not show right problem rev3_8 change LCD color and icons fixed pid3 table math in control logic routine. REV3_7 fixed override time saving problem add pir function, adjust pir judge threshold and add pir sensetivity register add show ID command rev 3_4 fix negative temperture bug add new schedule fixed scroll display problem, when AI1 and AI8 are not set the the first items, the value will in wrong order. fixed look up table problem, not it can show negative temperature normally. rev3_3 fix srand/rand routine error add reset command to reset zigbee module after serial communication failure 1 minute rev2_6 cc 2016 rev2_5 cc 2016-04-21 fixed bug when set one cool or one heat stage, when pid result over 50%, it go to coast stage by wrong. (pid library has been changed, OutputValue() routine modified) REV 2_4 2016-3-31 cc modify change baudrate function, in dealwith data routine, set a flag and response the command, then switch baudrate outside, so T3000 know if tstat accept this command cc fix a bug that fan auto table can not be changed. 2016-3-17 cc ---modify baudrate keypad select, after change the baudrate by keypad, system dose not restart. ---modify bacnet library rev2 REV 2_3 2016-03-11 cc ---modify dealwithTag, make it logger, so do not response serial command too fast, otherwise minipannel will receive wrong values ---when initial tstat8 name, write all 20 charactors REV 2_2 2016-03-09 cc modify control logic routine, use ram variables instead of read_eeprom(), during task switch, read_eeprom() function sometimes return wrong value, so outputs will be wrong REV2_1 CC fixed digital output, add relay switch time to softtimer routine REV 1 cc 07-07-2015 add firmware version