Floor Heating Manifold & Electro-thermal Actuator

The manifold is designed for use in floor heating systems to regulate heat. It controls flow and return,with the option of connecting up to twelve floor heating circuits.The electro-thermal actuator is designed to control the flow of a hot water pipe to control indoor temperature.

Product Highlights:


  • Hydronic heating manifold for up to 12 heating loops, 1” main inlets and 3/4” outlets
  • Viewable and adjustable flow meters
  • Automatic drain tap, end cap and drainage valve
  • Straight/angle valves with thermometer
  • Mounting brackets included
  • Easy to install & remove actuators without tools
  • Convenient, flexible and reliable
  • Durable design and construction

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RMB ¥71.39 - RMB ¥2,535.18

Part number: N/A Category:

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Floor Heating System Manifold


This manifold is designed for use in floor heating systems to regulate heat. It controls flow and return, with the option of connecting up to twelve floor heating circuits. Components can be connected in series via unions. The floor heating circuit can be individually set. Thermostatic valve inserts are integrated in the return manifold, which can be controlled electronically by means of thermal actuators or work as a self-acting unit by means of remote temperature adjusters.
Versions available from 2–12 Zones to serve up to 12 circuits per manifold.The manifold come with your choice of outlets. 3/4″ outlet rated for 21 PSI and 1/2″ outlet rated for 36 PSI.

 Electro-thermal Actuator 

 The electro-thermal actuator is designed to control the flow of a hot water pipe to control indoor temperature. When the actuator is on, the sensor inside will control the flow of hot water to the device that heats the room (ex. fan coil). When the actuator is closed,it will automatically be set to the off position.

Additional information

Weight 21.00 kg
Outlets size

1/2" outlets, 3/4" outlets

Number of ports

10 zones, 11 zones, 12 zones, 2 zones, 3 zones, 4 zones, 5 zones, 6 zones, 7 zones, 8 zones, 9 zones


110VAC, 220VAC, 24VAC