Outdoor Airlab Air Particle Sensor

Outdoor Air Lab Sensor with humidity,temperature,CO2,TVOC,WIFI and light level sensors

Product Highlights:

• Sensor has a long life fan rated for > 10 years maintenance free.
• Fast Response : response time less than 10 seconds.
• Supports ModBus TCP/IP & BACnet IP protocol over WIFI.
• Supports ModBus RTU & BACnet MSTP protocol over RS485
• TVOC sensor can detect Glycerin (Vape smoke).
• The SPS30 dust sensor in the AirLab is MCERTS certified to DIN EN 15267 air quality standard.

  • High resolution: Particle Sensor detects both weight and count of particles in five bin sizes: 0.5, 1.0, 2.5, 4 and 10 um


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$132.00 - $193.00

Part number: AL-1-D Category:

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Outdoor Air Lab Sensor helps with free cooling strategies and other energy saving routines.The sensor communicates over both WIFI and RS485, using BOTH Bacnet and Modbus protocols so there are many ways to integrate into the system.The modbus interface is documented and integrator friendly.

Wiring Diagram

Part Number Scheme

Additional information

Weight 1.5 kg



No Wifi, RS485 + wifi, RS485 only, Wifi


C02, No CO2