Three Phase power meter with 333mV CT

ME237 three-phase multi-functional panel meter supports external 333mV CTs (ME237V),supports 3PH3W and 3PH4W system.

Product Highlights:

  • Suitable for a wide range of applications
  • High precision measurement
  • RS485 Communication

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42.57 - 99.33

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This three phase power meter is easy to install thanks to the three Rogowski coils which can be simply clamped over existing power cables without disconnecting them.  The ME237 supports three-phase three wire and three-phase four wire systems. It provides current, voltage, power factor, reactive & active power, phase angle and other electrical parameters for all three phases. The data is available over the RS485 network port using Modbus RTU protocol. All parameters are updated in real time and can be continuously read by a master controller on the RS485 network for easy integration into the overall building management system.The large LCD display shows many parameters locally for on the spot visual status and diagnostics.The Rogowski coil CTs are easy to install on large size conductors and bus bars. They can be opened up and clamped shut without tools.  To furher make the installation go quickly you can make use of the unique 3-in-one CT which connects to the meter using a unique single Cat5 style connector which plugs into the rear of the meter. The output of the Rogowski coils is 330mvAC full scale for each of the three phases.If your power cables are smaller size (or much larger) you can use this meter with any of the usual industry standard 330mv and 5A output CTs.The RS485, power supply and the high voltage inputs are wired to the screw terminal in the usual manner at the rear of the meter.

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Additional information

Weight N/A
Primary current

5A, Meter only, 100A, 200A, 500A